July 19th, 2010 | by Ellen Petry Leanse | published in Google Enterprise
People should have the power to conduct searches from everywhere. This is why we provide users with numerous options beyond Google.com, such as typing in a search query directly in the address bar in Google Chrome, or through Google Toolbar, or Google …
July 19th, 2010 | by Ellen Petry Leanse | published in Google Enterprise
Editor’s Note: Continuing our “Going Google Everywhere” series, we’re pleased to welcome guest blogger Itamar Kubovy, Executive Director of Pilobolus, an innovative modern dance company that has gone Google. Itamar has been producing, writing and…
July 19th, 2010 | by Google CPG Marketing | published in Google CPG
Please join us on Thursday, July 22, 2010 for the next ThinkCPG with Google webinar – Case Studies & Learnings for Consumer Packaged Goods, Summer 2010 series.During this webinar we will learn from three separate case studies as measured through th…
July 17th, 2010 | by James Whittaker | published in Google Testing
By James A. WhittakerI’ve had more than a few emails about “antenna-gate” asking me to comment and suggesting clever, stabbing rebukes to a fallen competitor. I might aim a few of those at my own team in the future, some were genuinely funny, but none …
July 16th, 2010 | by aidanchopra | published in Google SketchUp
Rounding off sharp corners – especially in two directions – has always been a major pain. Multiple Follow Me operations, copying, flipping, moving… Life is simply too short for such tediousness.Enter the RoundCorner Ruby script by Fredo6. You act…
July 16th, 2010 | by miriam | published in Google Student Blog
One week after the official start of the summer, we were excited to welcome over 30 students from over 15 different countries from all over Europe to Google. These remarkable students joined our Online Media Associate Internship at our European Headqua…
July 16th, 2010 | by A Googler | published in Google Blog
Over time we’ve improved search by deepening our understanding of queries and web pages. The web isn’t merely words—it’s information about things in the real world, and understanding the relationships between real-world entities can help us del…
July 16th, 2010 | by A Googler | published in Google Blog
This is part of a regular series of Google Apps updates that we post every couple of weeks. Look for the label “Google Apps highlights” and subscribe to the series. – Ed.Over the last couple of weeks we rolled out some nice updates in Gmail, improved…
July 16th, 2010 | by Jeff Gillis | published in Google Analytics
A few months ago at the Google I/O conference, we were approached by Zach Steindler, a co-founder at Olark (a way to gain customer insight and sell better through live chat) who was raving about Google Analytics Annotations. He had such a great busine…
July 16th, 2010 | by Maile Ohye | published in Google Webmaster Central
Webmaster Level: AllWe know that some of you, or your clients or colleagues, may be new to online video publishing. To make it easier for everyone to understand video indexing and Video Sitemaps, we’ve created a video — narrated by Nelson Lee, Video…
July 16th, 2010 | by Ellen Petry Leanse | published in Google Enterprise
Editor’s note: The spam data cited in this post is drawn from the network of Google email security and archiving services, powered by Postini, which processes more than 3 billion email messages per day in the course of providing email security to more …
July 16th, 2010 | by Evelyn O'Keeffe | published in Google Conversions
We recently announced a brand new section to AdWords reporting called AdWords Search Funnels and today we’d like to give you more in depth info about these very useful reports. What are AdWords Search Funnels reports? Search Funnels show yo…
July 16th, 2010 | by Tim Bray | published in Google Android
If you look closely today, you’ll notice that some per-app Android Market statistics have lower values; not big differences, but noticeable in a few cases. We discovered last week that, starting in early June, certain events had been double-counted: i…
July 16th, 2010 | by Tim Bray | published in Google Android
As of today, Android Market is open for business to application buyers in the Republic of Korea. We hope that this will make the outstanding Android devices now available in that nation even more useful and fun. We welcome the people of Korea, ackno…
July 15th, 2010 | by Google News Blog | published in Google News, Uncategorized
Posted by Chris Beckmann, Product ManagerTwo weeks ago we gave the Google News homepage a new look and feel with enhanced customization, discovery and sharing. This redesign was our biggest since Google News launched in beta in 2002.Some of you told us…