Learn about remarketing with a live online course
July 20th, 2010 | by Inside AdWords crew | published in Google Adwords
This Wednesday, July 21st, we’ll be hosting a live online course on remarketing. This interactive presentation will be delivered by a Display Network specialist and will take place from 15:00 to 16:00 GMT, including time for Q&A.During this session…
July 20th, 2010 | by acd | published in Google Wave
Today on the Google Enterprise blog, we announced that we’re beginning to roll out user policy management, which will allow Google Apps Premier and Education Edition customers to customize which users in their domains have access to each application in…
July 20th, 2010 | by Kate | published in Google Earth
At Google, we are constantly making improvements to all of our products, from Search to Gmail, Blogger to Chrome. When it comes to products like Google Earth and Google Maps, we work hard to improve our cartography and depict geopolitical features as a…
Google Finance adds oodles of options
July 20th, 2010 | by Unknown | published in Google Finance, Uncategorized
Posted by Philip Brittan, Director of Product Management
Buy! Sell! Hold! That’s stock trading 101. But sometimes investing isn’t as simple as just buying or selling shares of a stock or mutual funds. More sophisticated stock watchers also want t…
Google Finance adds oodles of options
July 20th, 2010 | by Philip Brittan | published in Google Finance, Uncategorized
Posted by Philip Brittan, Director of Product Management
Buy! Sell! Hold! That’s stock trading 101. But sometimes investing isn’t as simple as just buying or selling shares of a stock or mutual funds. More sophisticated stock watchers also want t…
SketchUp Pro Case Study: Allied Container Systems
July 20th, 2010 | by aidanchopra | published in Google SketchUp
Allied Container Systems is a family-owned design firm out of the San Francisco area that specializes in the design of live urban training facilities for the Military, Law Enforcement and First Responders.Their work includes the design and construction…
Customer Perspectives on Evaluating the Security of Going Google
July 20th, 2010 | by Dana Nguyen | published in Google Apps, Google Enterprise
Editor’s Note: Please join us for a webcast on Thursday where two Google Apps customers will share their approach to evaluating the security of Google’s cloud computing solutions. MeadWestvaco (MWV), a $6.6 billion packaging company recently consolidat…
July 20th, 2010 | by Jay | published in Google Online Security
Posted by Chris Evans, Eric Grosse, Neel Mehta, Matt Moore, Tavis Ormandy, Julien Tinnes, Michal Zalewski; Google Security TeamVulnerability disclosure policies have become a hot topic in recent years. Security researchers generally practice “respons…
Watch our latest webinar recordings
July 20th, 2010 | by Inside AdSense Team | published in Google Adsense
Over the last few months, we held a number of webinars to help you further optimize your site:Optimization Best PracticesAdSense for Search AdSense Top Tech TipsIf you haven’t seen one yet, you can view the recordings of these events whenever it’s conv…
July 20th, 2010 | by Google Apps Team | published in Google Apps
Google Apps administrators can now segment their users into different organizations and control which Google services are enabled/disabled for each of those different sets of users.- Allows creation of organizations in a tree-like hierarchy- Manage mem…
Grantee tips
July 20th, 2010 | by Google Grants Team Member | published in Google Grants
If you’re looking for help or inspiration to improve your Google Grants AdWords account performance, your grantee peers are regularly offering up their best advice on our testimonial page. Recently Kids First Fund, an organization focused on helping …
Ooh! Ahh! Google Images presents a nicer way to surf the visual web
July 20th, 2010 | by A Googler | published in Google Blog
When you think about “information,” what probably comes to mind are streams of words and numbers. Google’s pretty good at organizing these types of information, but consider all the things you can’t express with words: what does it look like in…
Business problems need business solutions
July 20th, 2010 | by Google Public Policy Blog | published in Google Public Policy
Posted by Pablo Chavez, Director of Public Policy Today we submitted comments with the Federal Trade Commission in reaction to the Staff Discussion Draft about the future of journalism in the age of the Internet.We agree that the Internet has posed ch…
July 20th, 2010 | by Alberto Savoia | published in Google Testing
by Alberto SavoiaI first posted this article a few years ago on the Artima Developer website; but the question of what’s adequate code coverage keeps coming up, so I thought it was time for a repost of Testivus wisdom on the subject.Testivus on Test Co…
July 20th, 2010 | by Jeremy Milo, Google Apps Marketing Manager | published in Google Apps, Google Enterprise
In the past six months, we’ve released a series of new features giving administrators more controls to manage Google Apps within their organizations. Recent additions include multi-domain support, new data migration tools, SSL enforcement capabiliti…