Australian and New Zealand pricing data
October 17th, 2007 | Published in Google Finance

We're pleased to announce the availability of pricing data for Australian (ASX) and New Zealand (NZX) listings on Google Finance. We've always had descriptive data and news for these listings -- now we have all that plus intra-day market data and pretty charts. You can search for companies by name using the search box. Alternatively, you can search by ticker. For example, if you'd like to find the current price for stock in the Auckland International Airport, you can search for it by name, as AIA.NZ, or as NZE:AIA. Similarly, if you'd like to find the current price for stock in Billabong, you can search for it by name, as BBG.AX,or as ASX:BBG.
As always, if you notice any problems, please let us know. It may take us longer than we'd like to resolve reported problems, but we do read every report.