20(14) Publisher Stories: Pintomicasa grows beyond just a hobby with AdSense
February 10th, 2014 | Published in Google Adsense
As part of our ‘20(14) Publisher Stories’ blog series, every Monday we’ll introduce you to a publisher and share their success story. Read on to meet this week’s featured publisher, and feel free to share your own success story with us.
Six years ago Pablo Rabino created Pintomicasa, a blog about home painting and decoration. Over 150,000 monthly visitors look to Pablo’s site for advice, tips and ideas on decorating their home.
Pintomicasa have been using Google AdSense from the very beginning to monetize their content, with Pablo estimating that today approximately “80% of the blog’s earnings come from AdSense”. Pablo attributes this factor to the quality and relevance of the ads run on his site through AdSense.

Additionally, "the site’s page views and subsequently it’s revenue have greatly increased thanks to the integrated AdSense reports and insights from Google Analytics" says the blog creator. With Analytics, Pablo knows where his visitors are coming from, and with this information, he has created a mobile-optimized site for those viewing his blog from a tablet or smartphone.
Looking ahead, Pablo is eager to continuing optimizing this site with AdSense while continuing to invest his time into creating quality content for his blog viewers.
Read the full story here.
Posted by Barbara Sarti - Inside AdSense Team
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