Get up-to-date on Image Search
Webmaster Level: AllRecently at SMX West, I gave an Image Search presentation that I’d like to share with our broader webmaster community. The goal of the presentation was to provide insights into how image search is used, how it works, and how webmast…
Carpe diem on any duplicate content worries: we now support a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that’s accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides…
Google Friend Connect introduces the social bar
In our previous Google Friend Connect posts, we’ve enjoyed connecting with you, the webmasters, and hearing your feedback about Friend Connect. We’re now standing on our own two feet — find us over at the new Social Web Blog where we just announced th…
Adding a social playlist to your site
As you’re building your site, you may be looking for a simple way to provide fresh content that captures the attention of first time visitors and loyal users alike. They say that music brings people together, so what better way to engage your visitors…
Preventing Virtual Blight: my presentation from Web 2.0 Summit
One of the things I’m thinking about in 2009 is how Google can be even more transparent and communicate more. That led me to a personal goal for 2009: if I give a substantial conference presentation (not just a question and answer session), I’d like to…
Konnichiwa! Hajimemashite! *Hello, Nice to meet you!We just launched a new Webmaster Central Blog in Japanese. For those of you who feel more comfortable reading Japanese, and are interested in webmaster-related information from Google, and even learni…
About three and a half months ago we kicked off the Spanish Webmaster Central blog hoping to reach many webmasters. Given the time of the year, we would like to say a big ¡Muchas Gracias! to all our readers.It’s been both a pleasure and a great opport…
Your presence is our favorite present — thanks for joining us for another year of making your site, and therefore the web, a better place. Every day we see new people commenting and joining the discussion. This holiday season we’ll try to update our b…
Season’s greetings, webmasters! We’ve compiled a list of quick and simple tips for websites preparing for the holiday rush. For online and offline retailers, we understand that your website is a big part of your business, especially this time of year. …
Webmaster Tools in 40 languages!
(Инструменти за уеб администратори, Eines per a administradors web de Google, Webmaster Tools, Googlen Verkkovastaavan työkalut, Εργαλεία για Webmasters, Alat WebMaster, Tīmekļa pārziņa rīki, Žiniati…
Friend Connect now available in beta to everyone
If you’ve been looking for a way to grow traffic and make your site more interactive, check out Google Friend Connect — now in beta and available to all webmasters. Remember that with Friend Connect, you can easily add social features to your site by …
Better targeting your indic language site
A lot has been said about how to start a multi-lingual site and how to better target content through meta tags. Our users have raised a number of interesting questions about creating websites in different languages, like the one below. ‘ganex’:> H…
Since we launched enhanced indexing with the Custom Search platform earlier this year, webmasters who submit Sitemaps to Webmaster Tools get special treatment: Custom Search recognizes the submitted Sitemaps and indexes URLs from these Sitemaps into a …
Webmasters often ask us at conferences or in the Webmaster Help Group, “What are some simple ways that I can improve my website’s performance in Google?” There are lots of possible answers to this question, and a wealth of search engine optimization in…
hotdoglion king…and infinitely more fun: webmasters and their pets incognito! Happy Halloween, everyone! If you see any costumes that would pass the SafeSearch filter
, feel like sharing a gripe or telling a good story, please join the chat!Take ca…