Drum Roll… The winners of the 2007 Google-O’Reilly Open Source Awards are…
July 25th, 2007 | by DeWitt Clinton | published in Google Code
By Zaheda Bhorat, Open Source ProgramsLast night, July 24, at the Open Source Conference in Portland the winners of the coveted Google-O’Reilly Open Source Award were announced.Following in the footsteps of past key contributors and open source visiona…
A Muggle’s remarks
July 25th, 2007 | by Inside Google Book Search | published in Google Books
Posted by Roland Lange, Strategic Partner Development ManagerWe at the Google Book Search blog would be remiss if we did not address the most significant event in book publishing in the last 50 years: the release of the final book in J.K. Rowling’s exc…
July 24th, 2007 | by Bill Kee | published in Gmail (Google Mail)
Posted by Bill Kee, Gmail TeamDo you have mad video-making skills? OK, how about just a video camera and a little bit of spare time to get creative? A few of us on the Gmail team came up with an idea to stitch together a bunch of video clips that all s…
July 24th, 2007 | by Emma McKeithen | published in Google CPG
Posted By: Caity Noonan, YouTube Sales Rep, CPG teamAs you may know, last night YouTube teamed up with CNN to broadcast a U.S. Democratic presidential primary debate unlike any that’s ever been done before. Through the power of YouTube, people from al…
July 24th, 2007 | by Mark Lucovsky, Software Engineer | published in Google Ajax API
Post by Mark Lucovsky, Software EngineerYesterday was an exciting day for us over here on the Google AJAX Search API team. At 6:00 a.m. I flipped a bit on our servers, opening up Image Search as the newest addition to this very powerful, and increasing…
A literary Tour de France
July 24th, 2007 | by Inside Google Book Search | published in Google Books
Posted by Yana Ivey, Book Search Support TeamThe 198.5 km stage began at 12:10 pm. There were 181 riders at the sign on. The sun shone on the Tour de France at the start of the day, the temperature was a warm 26 degrees Celsius.That’s the scene set by …
Hoş geldiniz and Witamy!
July 24th, 2007 | by Alden DeSoto | published in Google Analytics
We’re pleased to announce that we now offer and support Google Analytics in two additional languages: Turkish and Polish. You can use Google Analytics, receive email support, get technical information from the Help Center, browse our website and learn …
API Gurus
July 24th, 2007 | by Kathy Walrath [GD Team] | published in Google Desktop API
Posted by James Yum, Support Engineer (Google Desktop Team)The Google Desktop Team is happy to introduce the API Gurus team:Teodor FilimonLahiru Lakmal PriyadarshanaBenjamin SchirmerYannick StuckiBijoy ThangarajWhat are API Gurus? They are experienced …
July 24th, 2007 | by Matthew Glotzbach | published in Google Enterprise
Posted by Matthew Glotzbach, Product Management Director, Google EnterpriseOne thing we’ve all learned from the Internet is that just because you see something in “print,” it doesn’t mean that’s the whole story, or that it’s entirely factual. You alway…
Google Singleton Detector released
July 23rd, 2007 | by Dion Almaer | published in Google Code
By Dion Almaer, Google Developer ProgramsWe take testing very seriously at Google. You may have seen our testing blog and how we even test on the toilet.We also like to create automated tools to make our lives easier and in the testing world this can m…
Do our gifts do what we want?
July 23rd, 2007 | by A Googler | published in Google.org
Melissa S. Brown, Associate Director of Research, Center on Philanthropy, Indiana University; Managing Editor of Giving USAIn 2006, Americans gave more than $290 billion to charity. Which sounds great, but if our country is, as some say, “the most gene…
Lots of New Stuff in GME
July 23rd, 2007 | by Paul McDonald | published in Google App Engine
Posted by Paul McDonald, Google Mashup Editor Team TeamWell it took a bit longer than we expected but we finally released some new features and bug fixes for GME. We’ve been trying to respond as quickly as possible to your feature requests , meaning re…
July 23rd, 2007 | by Adam | published in Google Public Policy
Posted by Adam Kovacevich, Manager, Global Communications and Public AffairsI’m down in Charleston today for the first CNN/YouTube presidential debate, featuring the Democratic candidates (the Republican candidates will debate in September). You’ve no…
Can’t log in using Firefox?
July 23rd, 2007 | by Inside AdSense Team | published in Google Adsense
We’ve recently noticed that many publishers are having trouble logging into their accounts after the latest Mozilla Firefox update. A number of publishers have reported that they’re only seeing a sign-up page rather than a login form. After a little di…
July 23rd, 2007 | by Kevin Gough | published in Google Enterprise
Posted by Kevin Gough, Sr. Product & Marketing Manager Nitin Mangtani, Product Manager for Google Custom Search Business Edition, will be a featured guest on our weekly public site search webinar series. Nitin will be available to answer q…