March 2nd, 2007 | by Eric | published in Google Blogger Buzz
Attention blog searchers: if you use Google Blog Search from within Blogger, you’ll notice some slight changes to its look and feel – it was just updated today to be more consistent with the Google styling, and it tested much better in the usability la…
March 1st, 2007 | by Marianna | published in Google Checkout
Posted by Steve Stukenborg, Senior Product ManagerWe’ve just released a new Sandbox feature for developers to more fully test their integration with Google Checkout. For details, take a look at this post on the Google Checkout API Blog.
March 1st, 2007 | by Matthew Glotzbach | published in Google Enterprise
Posted by Matthew Glotzbach, Google Enterprise Product TeamFollowing last week’s release of Google Apps, there is a lot of excitement about the Start Page functionality which allows users to preview and access their inboxes and calendars, find relevant…