March 30th, 2007 | by Google Docs | published in Google Adwords
Since their introduction in September 2006, AdWords Seminars have helped advertisers across the US learn how to get more out of their AdWords accounts. Many seminar attendees have told us that what made the experience valuable were the knowledgeable, e…
March 30th, 2007 | by Eric | published in Google Blogger Buzz
Thanks to our friends from the Ajax Search API team, we now have two more fun and useful widgets you can add to your new Blogger blog: Newsreel and Video Bar:The Newsreel searches Google News for your chosen keywords and displays an ever-updating list …
March 30th, 2007 | by Vanessa Fox | published in Google Webmaster Central
Last week, I spoke at BlogHer Business about search engine optimization issues. I presented with Elise Bauer, who talked about the power of community in blogging. She made great points about the linking patterns of blogs. Link out to sites that would b…
March 30th, 2007 | by David Bercovich | published in Google Enterprise
Posted by David Bercovich, Product Marketing ManagerNot surprisingly, we’re big fans of emphasizing the search box on websites and intranets, as search puts the entire contents of a site at the visitor’s fingertips. That is why we are pleased to h…
March 30th, 2007 | by Google Base Blog | published in Google Merchant
By Naureen Kabir, Google Base SupportWe’re happy to let you know that Google Base is now accepting tab-delimited (or TSV) bulk upload files formatted using Google Spreadsheets. Most spreadsheet programs allow you to export data into a TSV file, and Goo…
March 29th, 2007 | by Inside AdSense Team | published in Google Adsense
If you’re a web developer or host, you may remember that we introduced you to the AdSense API last May. With the AdSense API, your users can create their own AdSense accounts on your site, and display ads alongside the content that they have created. T…
March 29th, 2007 | by Inside AdWords crew | published in Google Adwords
Last week, we announced the launch of our pay-per-action beta test for selected US advertisers. Since that post went live, we’ve received a number of questions — and wanted to answer the most popular ones (paraphrased for brevity) in a quick follow up…
March 29th, 2007 | by AdWords API Team | published in Google Adwords API
The AdWords API Forum is once again up and running. Thanks for your patience while we worked to resolve yesterday’s issue.– Judy Nam, Product Marketing
March 29th, 2007 | by Allen Hutchison | published in Google Testing
Sometimes you need to test client-side JavaScript code that uses setTimeout() to do some work in the future. jsUnit contains the Clock.tick() method, which simulates time passing without causing the test to sleep. For example, this function will set up…
March 28th, 2007 | by AdWords API Team | published in Google Adwords API
We are currently experiencing a problem with the AdWords API Forum and we’re working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Once it’s back up and running we will update you via the blog and forum. We apologize for any inconvenience this may h…
March 28th, 2007 | by Stefanie, Search Quality team, Dublin | published in Google Webmaster Central
(Note: this post has been translated into English from our German blog.)In 2006 one of our initiatives in the area of communication was to notify some webmasters in case of a violation of our Webmaster Guidelines (e.g. by using a “particular search eng…
March 28th, 2007 | by Inside Google Book Search | published in Google Books
Posted by Sarah Payne, Book Search Support TeamSpring is in the air. I can tell because I’m sneezing.Remember when April meant the Easter bunny and the promise of May flowers? Now, instead of flowers blooming, taxes are looming (no more rhyming, I prom…
March 28th, 2007 | by Inside AdSense Team | published in Google Adsense
In our 20 months of blog existence, we’ve published more than 270 posts geared towards AdSense publishers. There are a lot of useful updates and tips buried in our archives, and we want to make sure that you’re able to find all of this great content on…
March 28th, 2007 | by Paul McDonald | published in Google Code
We have been working on some new ways to help you quickly create applications, mashups, websites and scripts using GData services. Part of this initiative is to make our developer’s guides more relevant and helpful to developers programming application…
March 28th, 2007 | by Emma McKeithen | published in Google CPG
Posted By: Dennis Domingo, Sales EngineerWhat are “Gadgets”?In recent months, there has been an increased interest in customizing one’s personal space online. That personal space may be public (a MySpace page, blog or homepage) or private (computer des…