Fab Friday is Back!
May 31st, 2013 | Published in Uncategorized

Right now, over on Google+ we’re doing a series of video highlights from Google I/O. Every day we’re posting a new video. Currently we’re running the Google I/O 2013 Google Maps Mobile playlist.
We've also recorded a couple more Google Maps Developers Live videos since I/O. Last week, Josh Livni presented a Google Maps Shortcut on The Maps API Visual Refresh.
And this week, Brendan Kenny did a Maps Garage episode on Exploring Map Data with Crossfilter, where he demonstrates how to use a Google Map as a type of Crossfilter view, so that selections within histograms or graphs influence what is drawn on the map, while interactions with the map drive what is drawn in the other views.
That’s it for this week, have a great weekend and happy mapping!
Posted by Mano Marks, Maps Developer Relations Team