Website Optimizer Seminars for Success & a Webinar
November 13th, 2008 | Published in Google Website Optimizer

Seminars for Success are full-day, classroom-style trainings led by industry experts, our authorized consultants. The Website Optimizer curriculum will cover everything you need to become an expert in testing and setting up Website Optimizer.
Here are the dates:
December 4 - Alexandria, VA - ROI Revolution
December 10 - Seattle, WA - Webshare
January 23 - Las Vegas, NV - Webshare
February 11 - San Jose, CA - Webshare
If you'd like to see a seminar in your area, let us know.
Also, if you sign up for a seminar at least 7 days in advance, you'll get a $50 AdWords credit (terms and conditions).
Upcoming webinar
ROI Revolution will also be holding a free webinar next Wednesday, November 19th at 1pm EST. Our own Tom Leung will be there and will set up an A/B test live during the webinar. If you want to attend you'll need to register.