Highlight: Frankfurt Book Fair
October 5th, 2006 | Published in Google Video
This year, the Frankfurt Book Fair's theme is "Literacy." In collaboration with LitCam and UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning, Google has created a resource for teachers, literacy organizations, and anyone interested in reading and education called The Literacy Project.
There's a section on The Literacy Project page where literacy organizations and educators can watch and share videos from all around the world. You can also upload your own inspirational, wisdom-ful videos or start your own literacy or reading group!
Today's Highlighted Videos
New videos appearing on the Google Video Movers & Shakers list for October 5, 2006:
Disclaimer: The following video was not on the Movers & Shakers list, but I'm sharing it with you anyway because it made me laugh. He's my hero of the day!
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There's a section on The Literacy Project page where literacy organizations and educators can watch and share videos from all around the world. You can also upload your own inspirational, wisdom-ful videos or start your own literacy or reading group!
Today's Highlighted Videos

Click here to watch "Literacy, Bollywood Style"
Sample Bollywood song from TV in India with subtitles of lyrics to promote literacy.

43 sec
Sample Bollywood song from TV in India with subtitles of lyrics to promote literacy.

Click here to watch "Motivating reading in your school (Reading Connects)"
Develop literacy in your school - see how to motivate primary school children to read by building a whole school reading community. Avenue First School in Norwich (UK) was the Reading Connects primary school of the year because of its innovative approach to motivating children to read

5 min 12 sec
Develop literacy in your school - see how to motivate primary school children to read by building a whole school reading community. Avenue First School in Norwich (UK) was the Reading Connects primary school of the year because of its innovative approach to motivating children to read

Click here to watch "Booktime - Pearson's flagship community programme"
A short film showing children and their families enjoying Booktime, from Pearson in association with Booktrust. Booktime promotes reading for pleasure, giving thousands of children across the UK the gift of a book pack when they start school.

4 min 54 sec
A short film showing children and their families enjoying Booktime, from Pearson in association with Booktrust. Booktime promotes reading for pleasure, giving thousands of children across the UK the gift of a book pack when they start school.

New videos appearing on the Google Video Movers & Shakers list for October 5, 2006:

2 (US). Click here to watch "South park parody on World of warcraft"
A scene from south park mixed into WoW

1 min 1 sec
A scene from south park mixed into WoW

28 (CL). Click here to watch "27 Foot Shark, a Whale Shark!"
The largest fish in the sea eats some of the smallest creatures, plankton. See a whale shark feeding along the surface and from underwater.

45 sec
The largest fish in the sea eats some of the smallest creatures, plankton. See a whale shark feeding along the surface and from underwater.

34 (US). Click here to watch "Dane Cook - Vicious Circle 3"
Cheater segment from Dane Cook's Vicious Circle

11 min 55 sec
Cheater segment from Dane Cook's Vicious Circle

Disclaimer: The following video was not on the Movers & Shakers list, but I'm sharing it with you anyway because it made me laugh. He's my hero of the day!

Click here to watch "kung fu Tai chi demo #8b"
basic training & exercise, kung fu martial arts self defense Tai chi Shaolin, with music by Boy George
1 min 21 sec
basic training & exercise, kung fu martial arts self defense Tai chi Shaolin, with music by Boy George
1 min 21 sec
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