RISE and shine in Europe!
August 17th, 2010 | Published in Google Student Blog
Googlers are living proof of the value of a STEM education (science, technology, engineering & maths). That's why we're enthusiastic about supporting it for all students.
We're launching the Google RISE awards (Roots in Science & Engineering) in Europe!
The Google RISE Awards are designed to fund, promote and support STEM education initiatives for students, especially those from underrepresented groups in the technology industry, such as female engineers, minority groups, people with disabilities or students who are economically disadvantaged.
We're now accepting applications for monetary awards (from 500 - 10,000 EUR) and requests for non-monetary support (such as a Google speaker or volunteer). Eligible organisations are non-profit or academic institutions or self-ogranised student groups with programs that impact STEM at the pre-university of university level. We're looking forward to receiving some creative and exciting proposals!
Apply now at www.google.com/riseawards!
Posted by Eleanor Mulligan, EMEA Diversity & Inclusion Programs Manager