About Google Code Jam 2010
April 19th, 2010 | Published in Google Student Blog
Do you enjoy solving tough problems and grappling with technical challenges? Then enter Google Code Jam!
Google Code Jam is a programming competition in which professional and student programmers are asked to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time. The contest is all-inclusive: Google Code Jam lets you compete in the programming language and development environment of your choice.
And, this year, for the very first time, the final competition will take place in Google’s Dublin office.
Visit http://code.google.com/codejam to register now (you can register any time until the end of the 24-hour Qualification Round - Saturday, May 8, at 23:00 UTC) and get up to speed on the rules. You can also practice on problems from previous contests. It’s a good idea to check out the competition arena and get comfortable with the interface, competition format and types of problems that you’ll encounter in the contest (http://code.google.com/codejam/archive.html).
You can also learn more about Code Jam by following the team on Twitter or Facebook and by joining codejam-announce@googlegroups.com to receive announcements about the competition or google-code@googlegroups.com to discuss Google Code Jam with other contestants.