Join us this coming Tuesday to discuss innovation and home energy use
April 1st, 2010 | Published in Google Public Policy
How many times have you been headed out of town for a long weekend when you got that sick feeling that you didn’t turn off the lights? Wouldn’t it be great if you could turn down your AC from the beltway? Or learn how much it costs to run that extra load in the washer when you get home?
Turns out this isn’t Jetsons’ talk. It’s right around the corner.

Join the President’s most senior White House energy official, Carol Browner, as well as corporate leaders and advocates this coming Tuesday to discuss how smart grid technology can get us there. The event co-hosted by Google DC and The Climate Group, will explore technologies and policies aimed at giving consumers the ability to better monitor and manage their energy use.
The potential for energy and cost savings are enormous - starting with data that says we can count on savings of 5-15% per household with little effort. What we're interested in, is putting our minds together to discuss how to help consumers get energy and cost savings, speed this future to market and how to encourage innovation.
Power in Numbers: Unleashing Innovation in Home Energy Use
Tuesday, April 6
1:00pm - 5:00pm - Event & Reception
Google Washington Office
1101 New York Ave. NW, Second Floor
Join us! RSVP here.
Tuesday, April 6
1:00pm - 5:00pm - Event & Reception
Google Washington Office
1101 New York Ave. NW, Second Floor
Join us! RSVP here.