Google D.C. Talk next Thursday: Tech Agenda 2009
November 13th, 2008 | Published in Google Public Policy

Two days after Eric's speech, Google's Washington office will be hosting the first in a three-part series of "Google D.C. Talks" on the technology policy agenda for the incoming Congress and Administration.
The event will examine the crucial role of technology in driving economic growth, with a special focus on the infrastructure needed to foster innovation: an open Internet, broadband access, and a smart energy grid.
Panelists include Gigi Sohn (President, Public Knowledge), Jennifer Canty (CEO, Dyscern), Ben Scott (Policy Director, Free Press), Stephen Ezell (Senior Analyst, ITIF), Harry Wingo (Policy Counsel, Google), and Michael Oldak (Senior Director, Edison Electric Institute).
Google D.C. Talks presents the first in a three-part series
"Tech Agenda 2009: Building an Infrastructure for a 21st Century Economy"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM ET
Google Washington Office
1101 New York Avenue, NW, Second Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
"Tech Agenda 2009: Building an Infrastructure for a 21st Century Economy"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM ET
Google Washington Office
1101 New York Avenue, NW, Second Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
We hope you can join us on Thursday. All are invited to submit questions in advance via Google Moderator.
Watch this space for more information on upcoming "Tech Agenda 2009" talks on transparency in government and the Internet's role in promoting freedom of expression around the world.