Google D.C. Talk Friday: A Conversation with Jeff Jarvis
March 30th, 2009 | Published in Google Public Policy

In his new book What Would Google Do?, Jeff reverse-engineers Google to discern its core practices, strategies and attitudes. Among his recommendations: make mistakes well, manage abundance, trust the people, and be transparent.
Ultimately, the book isn't really about Google, though. It's a candid assessment of where today’s companies are failing as well as a survival guide for succeeding – in fields as diverse as automobiles, power plants, media companies, and health care.
Ultimately, the book isn't really about Google, though. It's a candid assessment of where today’s companies are failing as well as a survival guide for succeeding – in fields as diverse as automobiles, power plants, media companies, and health care.
Google's Bob Boorstin will be talking with Jeff about the book -- and Jeff will be taking questions from you too. We hope you can make it.
Google D.C. Talks presents
A Conversation with Jeff Jarvis, What Would Google Do?
Friday, April 3, 2009
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET
Google DC
1101 New York Avenue NW
2nd Floor
Entrance on Eye Street
Washington, DC
RSVP here