Visualization Meetup at the Googleplex
June 20th, 2011 | Published in Google Open Source

Earlier this month we were excited to host a joint meetup with the Bay Area visualization group and the Bay Area R user group at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View.
Hadley Wickham from Rice University came and gave a talk on Interactive Graphics in R. Earlier in the day we were excited to host him for a Google Tech Talk on Engineering Data Analysis for the many internal Google teams using his ggplot2 software for visualization with R. The videos for both talks are available from YouTube.
You may remember our previous post about Hadley’s visualization work when his Google Summer of Code student was awarded a prestigious statistical computing award for his work with ggplot2.
Thanks to the Open Source Programs Office at Google for hosting this event, the meetup organizers, Zhou Yu, and of course Hadley Wickham.
By Murray Stokely and Zhou Yu, Google Engineers and Analysts