Search on the go: from Toronto to Toulouse, London to Leipzig
January 30th, 2008 | Published in Google Mobile
If you're in Canada, the UK, France, or Germany, then say hello, bonjour, or Guten Tag to faster and more intuitive search on your mobile phones. Starting today, our new mobile search experience is available in these four countries, giving you access to the information you need with minimal effort and distraction.
One of the ways we do this is by bringing you the most relevant result for your query, regardless of whether it's a local result, a web result, or what have you. If you enter a search for [sunflower] ("tournesol" in French or "Sonnenblumen" in German) for example, we know you could be interested in pictures of sunflowers in addition to web results. Another new feature is the ability to remember your recent search locations, so we can provide useful local results when you search the next time -- no need to retype the location! It takes just a few clicks to get listings for nearby restaurants, weather reports, and other information tailored to where you are.
To access our new mobile search service, point your mobile browser to the following: (Canada), (UK), (France), or (Germany).