Google Finance heads across the pond
January 30th, 2008 | Published in Google Finance

Being a British bloke I am particularly pleased to announce the launch of Google Finance in the UK ( Now it's easier for us Brits to get our own European public and private company information as well as UK mutual fund data. In addition you can find GBP currency quotes on the home page, so we can feel smug about how much cheaper everything will be when we visit the U.S. The local UK business news will give you the latest information about the European markets and we will be improving the relevance of stories and speed of news delivery even more over the coming months.
This UK launch is the second in a series of local versions of the Google Finance site, following Google Finance Canada, which launched last summer. We have received many requests to bring this service to other countries around the world, and will be working to do that this year. Kudos to the small crew of engineers on the Finance site who have managed to do this as well as build some great new features that we will be rolling out in 2008.
Please feel free to leave comments on this blog or send us email through the Help Center requesting new features. While we can't respond to them all individually, don't feel that they are being ignored; your feedback has a huge impact on how we prioritize our work.
To all my china plates back in the UK -- enjoy.