Hello Twitter!
November 21st, 2007 | Published in Google Desktop API
As a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed intern on the Google Desktop team, I was given a great deal of flexibility in choosing which projects I wished to pursue during the summer. I decided to work on a few to-be-announced features of Google Desktop, as well as a desktop gadget to round out my time between eating the free food, attending tech talks, and soaking up the Mountain View weather. (For some reason they paid me for all of this.)

It's great to finally announce the release of the new Twitter gadget! I was really excited to create a gadget for a great service like Twitter and even more pleased with the results. (If you are unfamiliar with Twitter, I recommend that you check it out.) This project started out as a way to feed my own addiction to Twitter, and it turned out to be (in my clearly biased opinion) a sleek, robust gadget that really helps brighten up the Sidebar — thanks to Kai for the great design. This gadget doesn't do everything that Twitter can, but what it does, it does well. I hope people find this gadget useful and easy on the eyes.
Oh, and if you get the chance, do yourself a favor and apply for an internship or a job. You won't regret it! :)