Ads now in harmony with search results
December 17th, 2007 | Published in Google Custom Search
Many folks have pointed out that all the results on the page -- both the search results and the advertisements -- should be appropriately customized so that the ads are in sync with the search results. We are happy to tell you that this is now indeed the case. Keywords that you use to tune search results will also be used to tune the ads.
To demonstrate the power of keywords for tuning ads, we've created 3 search engines. Note the differences in ads when we search for [leash] on all three:
A search engine about children, with the keywords [child children]:

A search engine about dogs, with the keywords [dog dogs]:

And, a search engine about surfing, with the keywords [surf surfing]:

So, keywords are even more important than before to your search engine. Make sure that you choose the keywords that provide the best overall search experience!