More Google Tools for Food Advertisers, Food Content Providers and Foodie Minds of America
August 10th, 2009 | Published in Google CPG
Posted by Jenny Liu, Industry Marketing Manager - CPG
Google has a product called Wonder Wheel. It creates a visual representation of search results in a spider diagram-like format. Clicking on the Wonder Wheel option brings up a tag cloud of hyperlinked search phrases. To use wonder wheel: conduct a search on, on the results page, there is a expandable 'show options' link next to 'web'. You will see Wonder Wheel as an option under Standard View. Let's take a ride on the wheel and dig deeper into what consumers are searching for related to summer salads.

Google Timeline
On the flip side, what does the content look like on the provider side to fulfill the consumer curiousity? Are people or publishers writing about easy summer salads? What does the trend look like? For this, you can consult the timeline tool, found under the wonder wheel selection.
You can alter the dates to the current year and see the monthly trend of articles that talk about easy summer salads. The article must note all three words.
In the monthly trend for 'summer salads', you can see the ramp up that steadily takes place reaching the peak in July and August.

Cookin' With Google
A product called Cookin' With Google is listed under Custom Search in Beta. It is a tool that consumers can use to help hunt and peck specific recipes that match up to ingredients they may have already on-hand or already have in mind. For instance, perhaps a look into the fridge yields the following random ingredients: eggs, chicken peas and cheese. If this string is punched into this tool, we see this search result: