4 Things You Didn’t Know About Mom
February 16th, 2010 | Published in Google CPG
Posted by guest blogger: Jeff Sauer, Director of Interactive Marketing and Partner at Three Deep Marketing
Three Deep Marketing is a Twin Cities/Minnesota based marketing technology agency which has worked with many well-known CPG brands that target moms. Today, one of their leaders provides perspective on some important mom marketing implications from the Google and BabyCenter Moms research.
1. Moms use the Internet
You already knew this. But did you know that after becoming a mom, the Internet is the only form of entertainment/communication that moms actually use MORE than they did before motherhood?
When you dig deeper into Moms activities online, it becomes quite obvious as to why Internet usage goes up while other categories go down significantly; the Internet is fast, easy and has become a ubiquitous in many of our lives. BabyCenter’s research indicates that marketers lose 3 media hours a day to new moms, with new moms consuming only 6 hours of TV, print and the Internet per day vs. 9 hours before becoming a mom. These lost hours are made up in the fastest, easiest and most readily available resource at their disposal; the Internet.
2. Coupons Create Loyalty
Coupons, coupons, coupons – as marketers, we love to hate coupons. Do we need them? Are we subsidizing purchases? Are we modifying buyer behavior? Are we creating more loyalty? Less loyalty? Marketers spend hours debating these questions and often the outcome of these discussions represents the biases of those arguing. MomDotCom research provides some clear indication that using coupons for acquisition of new customers is a tactic that should be used by CPG marketers. Research states that 7 out of 10 moms will buy a brand twice after trying it just once with an online coupon. With numbers like these, it’s easy to establish ROI for coupon based campaigns.
3. Search Loves TV
One of the biggest traps that marketers can fall into is an “either this or that” mentality. If your brand is running TV campaigns, it may be concluded that it is not necessary to run a simultaneous search campaign to pull visitors into your website. This thinking is wrong. Nearly every search campaign that I have ever launched has benefitted tremendously from television support to the tune of doubling the response of a similar keyword list without TV support. MomDotCom proves this true by confirming that 83% of Moms search for a product after being exposed to a TV ad. If you are paying money to run a TV campaign, make sure to spend a little extra on driving consumers to a landing page that provides continuity in supporting the message of your television spot.
4. Search Evolves with Mom
If Mom didn’t start off as a master in search, it doesn’t take long for her to become a master of Google. 3 of 4 Moms feel like they have gotten better at searching since becoming a Mom. Many of the general search queries that are highly competitive and expensive are being searched for by those who are probably very high up on the purchase funnel. As Mom gets closer to making a purchase decision, she is also becoming better at search. During this time she will eschew general search queries and begin to focus on what is most important to making her decision. The brands that provide her with a relevant and timely experience during her decision making process could gain her loyalty for years.
Utilizing these 4 tips will help take your Mom-centric marketing programs to the next level. Whether you are engaging in offline programs such as television, radio and print or online programs like search and social, the MomDotCom research provides a great basis for the execution and continued success of your marketing programs.
For more great insights and statistics, be sure to view the What Every Mom Marketer Should Know research.
Three Deep Marketing is a Twin Cities/Minnesota based marketing technology agency which has worked with many well-known CPG brands that target moms. Today, one of their leaders provides perspective on some important mom marketing implications from the Google and BabyCenter Moms research.
1. Moms use the Internet
You already knew this. But did you know that after becoming a mom, the Internet is the only form of entertainment/communication that moms actually use MORE than they did before motherhood?

2. Coupons Create Loyalty
Coupons, coupons, coupons – as marketers, we love to hate coupons. Do we need them? Are we subsidizing purchases? Are we modifying buyer behavior? Are we creating more loyalty? Less loyalty? Marketers spend hours debating these questions and often the outcome of these discussions represents the biases of those arguing. MomDotCom research provides some clear indication that using coupons for acquisition of new customers is a tactic that should be used by CPG marketers. Research states that 7 out of 10 moms will buy a brand twice after trying it just once with an online coupon. With numbers like these, it’s easy to establish ROI for coupon based campaigns.
3. Search Loves TV
One of the biggest traps that marketers can fall into is an “either this or that” mentality. If your brand is running TV campaigns, it may be concluded that it is not necessary to run a simultaneous search campaign to pull visitors into your website. This thinking is wrong. Nearly every search campaign that I have ever launched has benefitted tremendously from television support to the tune of doubling the response of a similar keyword list without TV support. MomDotCom proves this true by confirming that 83% of Moms search for a product after being exposed to a TV ad. If you are paying money to run a TV campaign, make sure to spend a little extra on driving consumers to a landing page that provides continuity in supporting the message of your television spot.
4. Search Evolves with Mom
If Mom didn’t start off as a master in search, it doesn’t take long for her to become a master of Google. 3 of 4 Moms feel like they have gotten better at searching since becoming a Mom. Many of the general search queries that are highly competitive and expensive are being searched for by those who are probably very high up on the purchase funnel. As Mom gets closer to making a purchase decision, she is also becoming better at search. During this time she will eschew general search queries and begin to focus on what is most important to making her decision. The brands that provide her with a relevant and timely experience during her decision making process could gain her loyalty for years.
Utilizing these 4 tips will help take your Mom-centric marketing programs to the next level. Whether you are engaging in offline programs such as television, radio and print or online programs like search and social, the MomDotCom research provides a great basis for the execution and continued success of your marketing programs.
For more great insights and statistics, be sure to view the What Every Mom Marketer Should Know research.