How to manage your ads effectively across the web
September 1st, 2009 | Published in Google Conversions
In our previous posts on the Google Content Network, we talked about the value of reaching buying customers across the web. Customers spend 95% of their time browsing sites beyond search engines, and you can achieve CPAs on the Content Network that are comparable to Search*. What are the best ways to get great conversion results?
Let's look at some simple steps that will help ensure your ads show on the most relevant websites possible and result in more sales and conversions for you.
Step 1: Ensure your ads are eligible to show on relevant websites
Step 2: Build a strong campaign
Step 3: Monitor your performance
Step 4: Focus your advertising
Step 1: Ensure your ads are eligible to show on relevant websites
To get your ads showing on relevant websites now, ensure that your campaigns are opted in to the Content Network. You can do this through your AdWords account.
Here's how to do it:
- Sign in to your AdWords account at
- Click the name of the campaign you want to adjust.
- On the 'Settings' tab, locate the "Networks and devices" section, and click "Edit."
- Opt in to showing your ads across the network.
- Click "Save" when you're done making your selection.
Step 2: Build a strong campaign
Just like with Search, the performance of your ads on the Content Network is linked closely to the content and structure of your campaign.
Create specific keywords and ad texts in separate ad groups for each product or service you want to advertise. Then we'll place your ads on web pages that are relevant to your business and your customers. By creating themed and specific ad groups, you get the best performance on Search and the Content Network.
Step 3: Monitor your performance
Once you've opted in to showing campaigns on the Content Network, Google will match your advertising, by theme, to relevant websites. You can monitor how these 'automatic placements' perform for you in your AdWords account. To do this, simply follow the instructions below.
Once you've opted in to showing campaigns on the Content Network, Google will match your advertising, by theme, to relevant websites. You can monitor how these 'automatic placements' perform for you in your AdWords account. To do this, simply follow the instructions below.
- Select the 'Networks' tab within your campaign.
- Click ''show details" beside your automatic placements.
Use this view to compare the performance of your ads on the different sites they've shown on. Metrics include clicks, impressions, cost and conversions / sales generated when your ads showed on each site. You can then see which sites are most profitable for your business.
Step 4: Focus your advertising budget
You also have the ability to select individual sites that are performing well and focus your budget on these by adding them as managed placements. Here's how:
- Select the 'Networks' tab within your campaign.
- Click ''show details' beside 'automatic placements'.
- Select the sites you wish to manage separately.
- Click 'Manage placement and bid'.
Similarly you can reduce your bids on certain sites or even exclude sites altogether if you feel this will make your advertising more successful overall.
Follow these simple steps to get the exposure and results you want, as you reach customers across the web. You can also learn more about advertising on the Content Network here.
* 'CPA Performance Trends on the Google Content Network' - Google white paper 2009
Ciarán Russell, Google AdWords Team.