New GData Developer Guides – Spreadsheets and Blogger
May 24th, 2007 | Published in Google Code
Everywhere I go people are always saying to me, "Man, those Blogger and Spreadsheet developer guides are really cool, but I want to know how to do things in .NET and Python." Well, okay, so maybe it's not everywhere I go, but the question has come up, and we thought we should do something about it.
Today, I'm happy to announce new versions of the Blogger API developer guide and the Spreadsheets API developer guide, both in a new tabular format. We've split each language into its own section, and shown you how to do a set of common operations in Java, .NET, Python, and HTTP (because many of us like to know what goes across the wire). If you notice a similarity to recent changes we made to the Calendar developer guide, it's because this revision is part of an ongoing effort to make our documentation more useful to you, the software developer. I also took this opportunity to clear up some issues that some of you have pointed out in the old documents. So check it out! If you see anything amiss, we'll talk it over in the Spreadsheets API discussion group or the Blogger API discussion group.
Jeff Scudder - The GData Team
Today, I'm happy to announce new versions of the Blogger API developer guide and the Spreadsheets API developer guide, both in a new tabular format. We've split each language into its own section, and shown you how to do a set of common operations in Java, .NET, Python, and HTTP (because many of us like to know what goes across the wire). If you notice a similarity to recent changes we made to the Calendar developer guide, it's because this revision is part of an ongoing effort to make our documentation more useful to you, the software developer. I also took this opportunity to clear up some issues that some of you have pointed out in the old documents. So check it out! If you see anything amiss, we'll talk it over in the Spreadsheets API discussion group or the Blogger API discussion group.
Jeff Scudder - The GData Team