Update for Some ga.js users and Request for More GAACs!
December 18th, 2007 | Published in Google Analytics
These posts weren't intended to be related, but since our partners are always some of the first to identify issues in our beta code, they actually relate quite nicely.
First, if you have already updated your urchin.js code to the new ga.js code AND are running Google Analytics on either Blogger or on a website using ASP running on IIS, we suggest you follow the updated code which we've posted in the Google Analytics Google Group forum.
Second, we are now accepting new applications for the Google Analytics Authorized Consultant program. This program is open to established professional services firms with deep expertise doing Google Analytics-based consulting services. If you are interested in submitting client references, case studies, and an application, please email gaac-requests@google.com for more info. We have a particular need for GAACs who can support the following languages: Russian, Turkish, Danish, Italian, French, Dutch and Swedish.
First, if you have already updated your urchin.js code to the new ga.js code AND are running Google Analytics on either Blogger or on a website using ASP running on IIS, we suggest you follow the updated code which we've posted in the Google Analytics Google Group forum.
Second, we are now accepting new applications for the Google Analytics Authorized Consultant program. This program is open to established professional services firms with deep expertise doing Google Analytics-based consulting services. If you are interested in submitting client references, case studies, and an application, please email gaac-requests@google.com for more info. We have a particular need for GAACs who can support the following languages: Russian, Turkish, Danish, Italian, French, Dutch and Swedish.