Express yourself in email: hundreds more themes, plus emoji
June 30th, 2015 | Published in Gmail (Google Mail)
Your inbox is home to some of your most meaningful and entertaining messages—from that acceptance letter, to those throwback photos—so we think it’s important for Gmail to feel just as personal (and fun!). That’s why we offer lots of ways to customize your experience—from inbox categories, to email formatting, to shareable selfies—and why today we’re expanding your options with additional themes, and emoji.
Themes can help you dress up your inbox, as well as distinguish between your home and work accounts, so they’ve been an important part of Gmail since they first appeared in 2008. Starting today there are hundreds more high-res options available (photographed by some fellow Googlers!). And of course, you can always upload your own.
Sometimes you just can’t find the words to express how you’re feeling over email
Excited about this weekend’s barbecue? Finalize the menu, dress code and after-dinner plans with just a few characters: