Meet Ben, President of Delta Upsilon WSU
August 25th, 2015 | by A Googler | published in Google Docs
Meet Ben Hundley–a fraternity president who keeps his chapter moving with a little help from Google Docs.
We want to know how you use Google Docs, too, so share your own examples at +GoogleDocs or @googledocs with the hashtag #mygoogledocs. -Ed.
Hi Ben! Tell us a little about yourself and Delta Upsilon WSU.
My name is Ben Hundley and I am the current President of Delta Upsilon WSU. We are a small chapter between the size of 30-40 guys currently and we are based off of the four founding principles of: Promotion of Friendship, Development of Character, Diffusion of Liberal Culture and the Advancement of Justice. Our organization recently celebrated 120 years on our campus and we are extremely proud of the continued tradition and benefit our members offer to the community.

How does Google Docs fit into your chapter’s day to day?
We as a chapter use Google Docs primarily with our executive board and recruitment team. The executive board has 8 sitting members and the recruitment team has 5 sitting members. For the executive board, we are able to keep documents saved via a house Google account. This allows us to ease the transition each year during officer elections.
This summer we have been using Google Docs heavily in order to allow the executive board to give input on the restructuring of our organization’s bylaws. It has made it significantly easier for us to discuss changes and execute those changes in a timely manner because we can have multiple people addressing the same issues or action points without having to be in the same city or state. Our recruitment team is able to coordinate our recruiting efforts through Google Sheets. The lifeblood of any collegiate organization is recruiting new members and therefore, having an easily accessible spreadsheet to track who is calling who and which people have already been contacted is vital.
What are 3 tips you’d give to other fraternities & sororities who use/would consider using Google Docs? If our chapter had to give 3 tips to other greek life, they would be:
- Host a training session!! Although Google Docs are easy to navigate, it is still essential to ensure everyone is on the same page.
- Don’t forget to learn the ins and outs of privacy and sharing documents
- EXPERIMENT! Try out features and see if they can be adapted to your chapter’s needs.