Google Voice helps you customize how you treat callers by giving you the ability to play a custom greeting for your parents or send your chatty neighbor straight to voicemail.
Many users have asked us for controls aimed at people who are NOT in their address book. So today, we’re adding two groups of callers for Google Voice users:
- People in your address book: this allows you to customize the experience of all contacts in your address book. This also works by exclusion. For example, you can set a special greeting just for people in your address book, or screen anyone not in your address book.
- For anonymous callers: these are callers who do not have a caller ID. They sometimes appear as unknown, or restricted, depending on why the caller’s number is not shown. You can use this group to for example screen any call without a caller ID.
Those two new groups are specific to Google Voice and can be managed from the group tab.

As always, we hope you like this new feature and welcome your feedback.
Posted by Tom Ford, Software Engineer
When we asked our users what features they’d like to see in Google Voice, we heard a lot of different answers. And we listened very closely to all of them. A few themes stood out for us: you’d like to see us bring more awesome features to your phones, and you’d like to see Google Voice in other countries. But we asked ourselves: is this ambitious enough? Surely we can do something even better than that. And that’s when the future became clear to us: Dogs and cats. Texting. Together.
Introducing Google Voice…For Pets.
You might ask yourself, “Google Voice? For my pets? How is that even possible? There’s only a few bluetooth headsets that can fit my dog, and they’re so expensive!” The secret is in our special Voice Communication Collars. The collars fit around your pet’s neck and use a series of sensors to record audio directly from your dog or cat’s vocal cords, using technology originally developed for NASA spacesuits. Using your WiFi network, audio messages are uploaded to your Google Voice account within seconds. Alternately, a tiny micro-LED emitter built into the collar can project a keyboard onto the floor, so your pet can tap their front paws to send text messages. With a little training, your beloved Fluffy will be able to let you know exactly what she wants every minute of every day. Wherever you go.
We didn’t just stop there. Voicemails from your pet would be pretty silly if you haven’t been trained how to understand cat or dog. Thankfully, we’ve solved that problem too. We took our voicemail transcription engine and combined it with millions of adorable pet videos from the Internet, training it to understand our furry friends. Now our transcription engine can now translate cat meows or dog growls into English!

Thanks to our mobile apps, you can always keep in touch with your pets, no matter how far away they are.

We’re rolling out Google Voice for Pets in a limited beta. Click here to apply to be one of the first pet owners to try our special communication collars.
Posted by Alex Wiesen, Software Engineer
To help make it even easier for you to organize your contacts, today we’re adding Google+ Circles to Google Voice. Circles give you more control over how you manage your callers; for example, calls from your “Creepers” circle can be sent straight to Voicemail, only your “College Buddies” circle will hear you rap your voicemail greeting, or you can set your “Family” circle to only ring your mobile phone.
You can customize your Circles settings by visiting the Groups & Circles tab in your Google Voice settings.
Give it a try and let us know what you think.
Posted by Tom Ford, Software Engineer
Sometimes the times that we’re offline can be our most productive times. However, whether on a plane or out of range of coverage, it’d still be nice to be able to draft text messages. With this new app, you can now compose new messages (single recipients for now) while offline and the app will automatically queue them and send them out when you’re connected again.
We hope you enjoy this new feature.
Posted by Yong Hoon Choi, Software Engineer
Until now, sending a text message to multiple recipients required copying and pasting the message for each recipient.To make this a bit easier, we just launched the ability to send a single SMS message to multiple recipients. Just click on the SMS but…
Today we are launching a new Google Voice mobile web app for iPhone OS 3.0 and higher and Palm Web OS devices, harnessing the power of HTML5, a new web technology that makes it possible to run faster, richer web-based applications right in the browser….
With today’s official release of Google Chrome extensions comes a new & improved Google Voice extension that gives you easier access to many Google Voice features:- See how many new messages you have. Think of it as a message waiting light for your…
When it comes to voicemail, Google Voice is all about saving you time. We transcribe your voicemails so hopefully you don’t need to listen to them, we send notifications via email and SMS notifications so you know when you have new messages, we even le…
It’s impossible to watch the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake without wondering how one can contribute in helping the thousands of families who lost everything in this disaster.Google set up a disaster relief page, which includes information and resou…
We’re excited to see today’s launch of Nexus One, particularly since Google Voice is one of the pre-installed apps on the phone. This is the latest version of the Google Voice mobile app we released for Blackberry and Android-powered phones last July.G…
A few weeks ago we launched the ability to use Google Voice with your existing number. This option gives you all the voicemail features of Google Voice, like transcriptions and email/SMS notifications, without needing to ask people to call you on a ne…
Google Voice automatically transcribes voicemail messages so you can get a sense of what messages are about without needing to listen to them. The automated process sometimes works great, sometimes not so well. But we’re committed to making it better. …
When someone sends you an SMS to your Google Voice number, that message not only goes into your inbox online, but we also forward it out to all of your mobile phones (assuming you told us you wanted to receive SMS messages on those phones). When you r…
There were some conflicting reports yesterday about Google Voice voicemails being searchable online, so we wanted to clarify how Google Voice works.Google Voice lets you access your voicemails online from your inbox. Your account is password-protected,…
When we launched Google Voice, we offered free calling to the continental US. We’ve just expanded this to all 50 states by adding free calling to Alaska and Hawaii.You can initiate free calls to Alaska and Hawaii from your inbox online, from our mobile…