New YouTube API Version Available for Testing
While we don’t normally call out new releases of the Google Data YouTube API on this blog, we wanted to draw specific attention to the version that has just been pushed out to our staging servers. There are two specific changes that we’d like to give o…
Final Decommission Notice for the Legacy YouTube API
It’s been several years since we’ve released the Google Data-based YouTube API, and in that time we’ve been encouraging developers who used the legacy YouTube API to upgrade before we pull the metaphoric plug on that older version. At this point, all b…
We have some good news for developers who integrate YouTube videos into their ActionScript 3 Flash applications: the official YouTube Chromeless Player API has been updated to natively support ActionScript 3!Previous to this release, ActionScript 3 dev…
We first announced our new API upload infrastructure back in June and asked developers to test their YouTube API code against our staging environment.Since then, we’ve started deploying the new upload infrastructure to production machines in a phased m…