If you’ve ever spent hours debugging your Java code, today’s blog post is for you.Often bugs that are frustratingly elusive and hard to track down appear simple or even trivial once you have found their cause (the fault). Why are those bugs hard to…
The Google Summer of Code Mentor Manual, published before the 2009 Mentor Summit, was an effort to help mentors choose the best students and get them involved in the open source community. The Mentor Manual had some extremely useful tips on how organiz…
Despite the recent flooding in Brisbane, Australia, linux.conf.au (lca) will proceed from January 24th to 29th, and Googlers from across the company will be there. LCA is a community-run technical conference for free and open source software enthusias…
OSUOSL’s Code-in results are in!
The Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSL) participated for the first time in the Google Code-in contest, and we’re pleased to report that the results of the contest were incredibly valuable for us. We had eight students actively working with us…
Earlier this week, Google announced that Chrome’s HTML5
The end of the year is always a great time to take a moment and look back at the developments of the past twelve months. Two members of the Google Open Source Programs Office, Chris DiBona and Jeremy Allison, sat down together for a review of open sour…
My name is Lang Hames, and I am a PhD student at the University of Sydney where I research aggressive register allocation techniques. Last year I completed a six month internship with the LLVM team improving their register allocation infrastructure, a…
You may have noticed that this blog has been featuring more videos recently. Today we are launching a new YouTube channel, googleOSPO, to organize videos relating to Google and open source in one place. There are playlists of Google Tech Talks that f…
When the Free Software Foundation’s executive director, Peter Brown, visited the Google offices last week, he graciously offered his time for an interview with Samba co-founder and Open Source Programs Office team member Jeremy Allison. Peter and Jer…
When Google acquired Instantiations, the maker of a suite of Java development tools, we made many of their Java Eclipse tools available for free as part of the Google Web Toolkit. Today, Google is donating the source code for WindowBuilder, an Eclipse …
Today, we are open sourcing the Postini EZCommand Shell, a Perl script allowing Postini administrators to issue EZCommands to Postini from a command line.The script is useful in two ways. First, it allows Postini administrators to make Postini EZComma…
Chris DiBona, head of the Google Open Source Programs Office, is in the Middle East this week to talk to attendees at G-Egypt and G-Jordan, Google’s first ever Google Days hosted in those countries. The G-days will be held in Cairo between December…
Tekla (formerly mEADL) is a collection of open hardware and open source applications that may be used to enable access to mobile devices for people with motor impairments. The idea for Tekla was the brainchild of the mobile accessibility team at the I…
Gulliver powers Lonely Planet’s Trippy travel planning apps
Gulliver is an open source platform from Google that helps users plan trips in real time with their friends. Using Gulliver, you can create applications for mobile, iGoogle, and mobile web platforms that make it easy to build and share itineraries usi…
My name is Oscar Castañeda, I am a student from Guatemala currently doing a master’s in Computer Science at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in The Netherlands. For the 2010 Google Summer of Code I completed a project with the Google Open …