November 13th, 2008 | by Google Public Policy Blog | published in Google Public Policy
Posted by Pablo Chavez, Senior Policy Counsel(Cross-posted from Official Google Blog)Google search isn’t just about looking up football scores from last weekend or finding a great hotel for your next vacation. It can also be used for the public good. Y…
November 13th, 2008 | by mquagliarello | published in Youtube
There is something about the Guinness Book of World Records that stirs people into action in ways ranging from the sublime to the gloriously ridiculous. Seeing as YouTube arguably provides a similar catalyst, today we are happy to hand the homepage ove…
November 13th, 2008 | by mquagliarello | published in Youtube
The YouTube flagging system works best when you take the time to understand our Community Guidelines before you flag a video. Then, if you come across a video that you think may not belong on YouTube, it will be easier for you to let us know the reason…
November 12th, 2008 | by SketchUp Team | published in Google SketchUp
Were you someone who struggled to stay awake in ancient history class? If so, perhaps this was due to those uninspiring “artist renditions” in your textbook. Reading countless pages that described how a monument, building or city may have appeared can…
November 12th, 2008 | by Mickey Kataria, Google Sydney | published in Google Maps
Posted by Mickey Kataria, Product Manager
It’s been a while since we’ve made any changes to the Terms of Service for the Maps API. Since I joined the team, I’ve been hearing day after day that we need to clarify a lot of ambiguities and make it easie…
November 12th, 2008 | by miriam | published in Google Apps, Google Enterprise
As we mentioned at the beginning of the month, the Google Apps for Education team recently celebrated its two year anniversary at the EDUCAUSE conference. Since our users are at the core of our mission for Google Apps, we invited our customers from sch…
November 12th, 2008 | by The App Engine Team | published in Google App Engine
Posted by Donal Mountain, App Engine Team
Starting later this year the App Engine team will be getting out of the office for a series of developer visits.
We want to come to your home or office (or wherever you use App Engine), and look over your shoul…
November 12th, 2008 | by Jeff Fisher | published in Youtube API
Posted by Jeff Fisher, YouTube APIs and Tools TeamI know as a developer it is frustrating when your code that was previously working suddenly breaks because of someone else’s changes. In order to help catch new API bugs before they show up in our produ…
November 12th, 2008 | by Cat Allman | published in Google Open Source
By Albert Santoni, Mixxx ProjectGoogle Summer of Code 2008 has been a great opportunity to bring fresh new talent into the Mixxx development team. For those not familiar with Mixxx, it’s software that allows DJs to create live beatmixes. This year, Mix…
November 12th, 2008 | by mquagliarello | published in Youtube
When we first started YouTube, our vision was to create a platform that would allow everyone to broadcast themselves. So when it came to developing an approach to online advertising and marketing, we had a similar goal: everyone should benefit from the…
November 12th, 2008 | by Maile Ohye | published in Google Webmaster Central
Webmasters often ask us at conferences or in the Webmaster Help Group, “What are some simple ways that I can improve my website’s performance in Google?” There are lots of possible answers to this question, and a wealth of search engine optimization in…
November 12th, 2008 | by Jessica Bagley | published in Google Student Blog
In 2003, a group of Googlers decided to establish the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship to honor the work of their friend and colleague, Dr. Anita Borg, a computer scientist who dedicated her professional career to increasing the participation of …
November 12th, 2008 | by Google Public Policy Blog | published in Google Public Policy
Posted by Dorothy Chou, Global Communications and Public AffairsNext Tuesday, November 18, our CEO, Eric Schmidt will be speaking at the New America Foundation on the intersection between technology and the economy. He will explain how technology can h…
November 12th, 2008 | by Serena Satyasai, Google Apps Marketing | published in Google Apps, Google Enterprise
When we talk to businesses interested in Google Apps, we’re often asked the questions, Who is using Google Apps and how did they make the decision to switch? A key factor for many companies making the switch is cost savings and, as a result, we’ve seen…
November 12th, 2008 | by Kate | published in Google Earth
Were you someone who struggled to stay awake in ancient history class? If so, perhaps this was due to those uninspiring “artist renditions” in your textbook. Reading countless pages that described how a monument, building or city may have appeared at t…