Diary of a Summer Intern – Madelaine
July 10th, 2011 | Published in Google Student Blog
Hi again!
Right after my last blog post, I switched teams from Image Search Ads User Interface to Social Ads User Interface. The team’s main goal is to use social data to improve the ads experience. For example, when you search for local hair salons, you might see an ad for a salon your friend +1’d. One benefit of this team switch is that when my friends ask me about Google+, I get to tell them I work on it :)
Life around here rarely is dull. Recently, I saw Rob Corddry talk about his new show, Children’s Hospital and went to an outdoor luau, complete with a pig roast (don’t worry vegetarians, there were meat-free options, too) and hula dancing lessons. Last weekend, I marched with the Gayglers in the San Francisco Pride Parade, a massive city-wide event which I highly recommend going to if you ever have the chance.
Another time, a few fellow interns and I were eating lunch outside when I noticed one of the self-driving cars in the parking lot. Naturally, it was photo time. Check out the spinning LIDAR scanner, which creates a 3D point cloud of the world around it, as well as the sweet photobomb by fellow APM intern Scott Thomson. Random self-driving car fact: the front seat had several thousand dollars of computer equipment; the back seat had two unopened Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Even top researchers need a chocolate break.
Back at my desk, the features I’m working on are really ramping up; I have a fair amount of work to do after the long holiday weekend we just had. More details soon!
Fun Google Fact: There are few things closer to my desk than the microkitchen. One of them is a recently installed Buddhist Meditation center, complete with indoor pagoda and yoga corner. The other is a futuristic nap pod.
Posted by Jessica Safir, University Programs Coordinator
Right after my last blog post, I switched teams from Image Search Ads User Interface to Social Ads User Interface. The team’s main goal is to use social data to improve the ads experience. For example, when you search for local hair salons, you might see an ad for a salon your friend +1’d. One benefit of this team switch is that when my friends ask me about Google+, I get to tell them I work on it :)
Another time, a few fellow interns and I were eating lunch outside when I noticed one of the self-driving cars in the parking lot. Naturally, it was photo time. Check out the spinning LIDAR scanner, which creates a 3D point cloud of the world around it, as well as the sweet photobomb by fellow APM intern Scott Thomson. Random self-driving car fact: the front seat had several thousand dollars of computer equipment; the back seat had two unopened Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Even top researchers need a chocolate break.
Back at my desk, the features I’m working on are really ramping up; I have a fair amount of work to do after the long holiday weekend we just had. More details soon!
Fun Google Fact: There are few things closer to my desk than the microkitchen. One of them is a recently installed Buddhist Meditation center, complete with indoor pagoda and yoga corner. The other is a futuristic nap pod.
Posted by Jessica Safir, University Programs Coordinator