DevFest Tour – Coming to a City Near You
June 11th, 2010 | Published in Google Code

Just last month we had Google I/O and although we had attendees from all over the world join us for the festivities, we know that most of you could not join us in San Francisco. To help make up for that, we decided to do a DevFest tour and recently announced that we were on our way to visit Australia (Sydney), Israel, and Southeast Asia (Manila, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur) in the next couple months. Then, there’s Spain (Madrid), Argentina (Buenos Aires), and Chile (Santiago) in October. Here’s your chance to hear about your favorite Google technologies and interact with the Googlers that work on them every day.
Today, we’ve updated the site to include the cities we’re visiting and topics we’d like to cover, along with registration links for the first round of events. Space is limited at each location and we cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to secure a spot so register early, check your email for confirmation and check back for any event updates.
For many of our international speakers, this is their first time visiting most of the cities on our tour, and they're incredibly excited to meet the local developer communities and learn what you're doing with our technologies - or what you're thinking of doing.
We hope to see you there!